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www.grenaa-gym.dk STX - HF - IB - Kostskole Live, learn & laugh! Grenaa Gymnasium er et dansk gymnasium med tilhørende kostafdeling beliggende i Grenå.Udover studentereksamen udbyder institutionen hf og International Baccalaureate.I alt har det knap 700 elever og 80 lærere. Gymnasiet er tegnet af Arne Gravers og Johan Richter og blev grundlagt i 1961.De to arkitekter tegnede også Århus Statsgymnasium.Da dette byggeri faldt i Grenaa Byråds smag Orienteringsmøder for dig, der overvejer at søge ind på Grenaa Gymnasium med skolestart august 2021, bliver holdt: lørdag 7. november 2020 kl. 11-13 Du skal tilmelde dig via mail gg@grenaa-gym.dk. 0g. lørdag 30.

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lørdag 30. januar 2021 kl. 13-15 Tilmeld dig på: gg@grenaa-gym.dk. Ring til en af vores vejledere Grenaa Gymnasium, Grenaa, Denmark. 2,978 likes · 106 talking about this · 5,396 were here.

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Grenaa gymnasium & hf

Read more about Grenaa Gymnasium's Bording School. STX, HF and IB Diploma. Study lines and electives at Grenaa Gymnasium will put you on the track for your future. Tuition is free, but The Danish Ministry of Education has decided that you may be required to buy teaching materials for up to 2,500 DKR during your time at STX, HF or IB. Grenaa Gymnasium does not use this rule, but in return expects students to buy the calculator recommended by your math teacher. Kontakt Grenaa Gymnasium. Grenaa Gymnasium N.P. Josiassensvej 21 DK – 8500 Grenaa.

Grenaa gymnasium & hf

Grenaa Gymnasium is a secondary school in Grenaa, Denmark. The school has three types of education, Gymnasium, HF and IB. The school comprises two buildings connected by an umbilical. The first – often referred to as the old part – was built in 1964, the second – often referred to as the new part – in 1973.
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Grenaa Gymnasium offers IB (International Baccalaureate), STX and HF educations Students at Grenaa Gymnasium's Boarding School explain about their everyday life. They have school and friends at their doorstep. Read more at www.grenaa-gym Grenaa Gymnasium, Grenaa, Denmark. 3,011 likes · 151 talking about this · 5,390 were here.

og 3.g STX + pre-IB + IB2) 2012-12-20 · Martin Venning, Peter Szabo and Mikkel Linskey all go and interview four IB Students from Grenaa Gymnasium and ask about how they celebrate Christmas. ‎Velkommen til Grenaa Gymnasium Grenaa Gymnasium tilbyder forskellige uddannelser: STX, HF, Pre-IB og IB. Derudover råder vi over en velfungerende og populær kostskole. Vores app giver adgang til nyeste og vigtigste information + div.
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Få uddannelse og venner for livet. IB World School & boarding school in Denmark. Live, Laugh and Learn www.grenaa-gym.dk Grenaa gym STX HF IB og kostskole på Grenaa Gymnasium.

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Skolens hjemmeside. Auto select  Page 1. Page 2. Kort over SU-kontorer på gymnasier, hf-kurser og studenterkurser. Du skal kontakte dit eget Grenå Gymnasium, Telefon: 8758 4050. Mail: gg@grenaa- gym.dk. Grenaa Gymnasium.